Smoke Tests


Smoke tests are quick to execute and they give a brief overview about the basic functionality. Smoke tests try to answer: Is the software still basically OK? Or does it crash right away?

The CI system is responsible of running the smoke tests regularly.


  • Runs all composed artifacts to ensure a basic expected functionality

  • Make usage of the demo project to check expected behavior of elosd

  • Can run against any build type

  • Executed by CI-pipeline

  • Written in pure shell to run on targets with very limited environment

  • Provides a quick response for development

  • Provides a interactive environment to experiment from the current build

To run the smoke test from within the source (Developer):

First ensure the build is present that shall be tested. Default is asumed Debug.

./ci/ [Release]
    Run the smoketest test suite or parts of it against actual build. Default
    is to run all smoketest tests.

    Usage: [option] [build type]


    -h|--help:                  print this help
    -e|--enable <test name>:    run test with name, can be specified
                                multiple times
    -d|--disable <test name>:   skip test with name, can be specified
                                multiple times
    -i|--interactive:           run a prepared shell environment

    Build Type:

    Debug   - Run smoketest or interactive shell against the Debug Build
    Release - Run smoketest or interactive shell against the Debug Build
    ...     - Any build type located in build/ can be provided:w

    <Debug> is the default build type, if nothing is specified.


    $> # run all smoke tests on Debug build

    $> Release # run all smoke tests on Release build

    # run only syslog and kmsg tests against Release build
    $> -e syslog -e kmsg Release 

    # run all except syslog and kmsg tests against Release build
    $> -d syslog -d kmsg Release 

    $> -i # run interactive environment against the Debug build

Run on a Target (Integrator):

To run the smoketest install all content in tests/smoketest to a custom location on the target system. Currently it is not packaged and installed by elos build system itself.

Prerequisites :

  • Elos is installed on target system

  • Elos smoketest package is installed, see

// Build smoke tests
// Build smoke tests
  • At least a writeable directory to store results and for intermediate files

Running the Test Suite:

To execute the smoketests run the installed script. Here an example script to for smoketest integration.

#!/bin/sh -eu

export PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/
export SMOKETEST_RESULT_DIR=/tmp/test-elos-smoketest

Extended configuration

Depending on the installation and configuration it could be necessary to adjust some settings. The following Environment variables can be used :

# Point to a directory where to expect the typical bin, lib and include
# directories
export PREFIX_PATH="${PREFIX_PATH-"/usr"}"

# Prepend to PATH if binaries needed by the smoke test are not located in the
# usually directories.
export PATH="${PATH}:${PREFIX_PATH}/bin"

# Prendnd to library search path if libraries needed by the smoke test are not
# located in the usually directories.

# Prepend to pkg-config search path if pkg-config files are needed by the
# smoke test are not located in the usually directories.
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${PKG_CONFIG_PATH-""}:${PREFIX_PATH}/lib/pkgconfig"

# The SMOKETEST_DIR should point to the directory where the smoke test script and
# its resources are located. The default assumes the directory where
# smoke is located (sets the CMDPATH).

# The SMOKETEST_RESULT_DIR should pint to a directory where the test result can
# be stored. The default is in the current directory.
export SMOKETEST_RESULT_DIR=${SMOKETEST_RESULT_DIR-"./results/smoketest"}

# The SMOKETEST_TMP_DIR should point to a location where the test can store
# temporary data like files, pipes, sockets. The default is
# /tmp/elos_smoketest_XXXXXX, where XXXXXX is a random number
export SMOKETEST_TMP_DIR="${SMOKETEST_TMP_DIR-"$(mktemp -d /tmp/elos_smoketest_XXXXXX)"}"

# Overwrite the path to the syslog socket to be used for the syslog scanner.
export ELOS_SYSLOG_PATH=${ELOS_SYSLOG_PATH-"${SMOKETEST_TMP_DIR}/elosd.syslog.socket"}

# Overwrite the path to read the kernel log buffer, used by the kmsg scanner.

# Overwrite the file-path used for the DLT fifo for the DLT backend.

# Overwrite the client plugin search path to look for client plugins.
export ELOS_CLIENT_PATH=${ELOS_CLIENT_PATH-"${PREFIX_PATH}/lib/elos/client"}

# Overwrite the scanner plugin search path to look for scanner plugins.

# Overwrite the backend plugin search path to look for backend plugins.

# Overwrite the elosd log level, be verbose for the smoketest.

# Take care of special sysconfdir cases
if [ "${PREFIX_PATH}" = "/usr" ] || [ "${PREFIX_PATH}" = "/" ]; then
    export SYSCONF_DIR="/etc"
    export SYSCONF_DIR="${PREFIX_PATH}/etc"

# Overwrite the elosd config file path.

# Overwrite the log4crc file path for the log4c demo.
export LOG4C_RCPATH="${SYSCONF_DIR}/elos/elos_log4c_demo"

# Overwrite the coredump config file path.

# Overwrite the TCP port to be used for the smoketest
export ELOSD_PORT=${ELOSD_PORT-54323}

# Use SMOKETEST_ENABLE_COMPILE_TESTS to enable complie test. This
# tests if all necessary header and library files are packet for
# installation. Set SMOKETEST_ENABLE_COMPILE_TESTS to any value
# other then empty to activate the tests.