Different options on how to build

  • ci/build.sh [Debug|Release]
    • uses FetchContent to install cmocka_extensions, cmocka_mocks, safu & samconf.

    • if cmocka_extensions, cmocka_mocks, safu & samconf are already installed in a path found by cmake that installation is used.

  • cmake && make|ninja
    • can be configured to use FetchContent with variables but generally depends on them being installed already.

Build Configurations

cmake & make without any options (default)

cmake -B build/ .
make -C build/

Builds everything except for the NoSQL and InfluxDB backend. Everything is build in Debug mode.

make -C build/ install

Installs everything except mock_libelos.

Can be configured with the options described in section cmake options.


Intended to easier install the dependencies cmocka_extensions, cmocka_mocks, safu & samconf


By default it installs from the main branch of the GitHub repositories. The behavior can be modified by specifying one of the following files in this order:

  • file specified by ELOS_DEPENDENCY_CONFIG environment variable

export ELOS_DEPENDENCY_CONFIG=".myconfig/my_dependencies.json"
  • dependencies.json in the root of the project

  • ci/dependencies_default.json in the root of the project

Each resource can be defined by the [url|path][commit|branch|tag][cmake_opts] options. This could look like:

   "safu": {
      "path": "../safu"
   "samconf": {
      "url": "https://github.com/Elektrobit/samconf.git",
      "tag": "samconf-0.49.3"
   "cmocka_mocks": {
      "url": "https://github.com/Elektrobit/cmocka_mocks.git",
      "commit": "2206cfbcf315b3c7381f9b9f4aa29238b18c1a6b",
      "cmake_opts": ["-D", "UNIT_TESTS=off"]
   "cmocka_extensions": {
      "branch": "main"

If no URL or path is provided the default is used. A path is used as is without checking the branch, tag or commit and includes local changes that aren’t committed jet.

The url property supports the evaluation of environment variables like SOURCES_URI so it is possible to define template configurations like:

    "safu": {
        "url":  "${SOURCES_URI}/safu.git",
        "branch": "integration"
    "samconf": {
        "url": "${SOURCES_URI}/samconf.git",
        "branch": "integration"
    "cmocka_mocks": {
        "url": "${SOURCES_URI}/cmocka_mocks.git",
        "branch": "integration"
    "cmocka_extensions": {
        "url": "${SOURCES_URI}/cmocka_extensions.git",
        "branch": "integration"

and call install_deps.py like :


These dependencies get installed into build/deps/ and if provided with an URL the sources can be found in build/deps/src.

In addition the install_deps.py provides the following command line options to tune the install process:

usage: install_deps.py [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-G] [--no-tests] [--no-mocks] [--ci]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        the user config for dependencies (default
                        /home/runner/work/elos/elos/dependencies.json or
                        enviroment variable ELOS_DEPENDENCY_CONFIG)
  -G, --global          install the dependencies globaly
  --no-tests            dont install cmocka_extensions & cmocka_mocks
  --no-mocks            don't build & install mock libraries (no cmocka
  --ci                  run cmake with CI flag
  --clean-first         clean cmake caches first


Intended for easier building of different configurations while developing and in CI.

ci/build.sh [BUILD_TARGET]

Builds everything except for the NoSQL and InfluxDB backend. By default the BUILD_TARGET is Debug. The build folder is set to build/BUILD_TARGET/cmake and everything is also directly installed into build/BUILD_TARGET/dist/ (except for mock_libelos).

Additional configurations are described in ci/build.sh options.


├── etc/
│  └── elos/
│     └── elos_log4c_demo/
│        └── log4crc
└── local/
   ├── bin/
   │  ├── demo_eloslog
   │  ├── demo_eventbuffer
   │  ├── demo_libelos_v2
   │  ├── demo_scanner_shmem
   │  ├── elos-coredump
   │  ├── elos_log4c_demo
   │  ├── elosc
   │  ├── elosd
   │  ├── elosMon
   │  ├── syslog_example
   │  └── tinyElosc
   ├── include/
   │  └── elos/
   │     ├── common/
   │     │  ├── message.h
   │     │  ├── process.h
   │     │  └── types.h
   │     ├── event/
   │     │  ├── event.h
   │     │  ├── event_source.h
   │     │  └── event_vector.h
   │     ├── libelos/
   │     │  ├── libelos.h
   │     │  └── libeloslog.h
   │     └── libelosplugin/
   │        └── libelosplugin.h
   └── lib/
      ├── elos/
      │  ├── backend/
      │  │  ├── backend_dummy.so
      │  │  ├── backend_json.so
      │  │  └── backend_sql.so
      │  └── scanner/
      │     ├── scanner_kmsg.so
      │     ├── scanner_shmem.so
      │     └── scanner_syslog.so
      ├── libelos.so -> libelos.so.0
      ├── libelos.so.0 -> libelos.so.0.52.3
      ├── libelos.so.0.52.3
      ├── libeloslog4c.so -> libeloslog4c.so.0
      ├── libeloslog4c.so.0 -> libeloslog4c.so.0.52.3
      ├── libeloslog4c.so.0.52.3
      ├── libelosplugin.so -> libelosplugin.so.0
      ├── libelosplugin.so.0 -> libelosplugin.so.0.52.3
      ├── libelosplugin.so.0.52.3
      └── test/
         └── elos unit tests










unit tests








asan [1]














cmake options

  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: (default “Debug”)

  • ENABLE_CI: (default OFF) adds -Werror to the compile options

  • UNIT_TESTS: (default ON) Build the unit tests

  • INSTALL_UNIT_TESTS: (default ON) install the unit tests

  • ELOSD_EVENTLOGGING_BACKEND_SQL: (default ON) Build the sqlite3 backend plugin

  • ELOSD_EVENTLOGGING_BACKEND_NOSQL: (default OFF) Build the NoSQL backend plugin

  • ELOSD_EVENTLOGGING_BACKEND_INFLUXDB: (default OFF) Build the InfluxDB backend plugin

ci/build.sh options

  • [BUILD_TYPE] (default “Debug”) sets the build type for cmake

  • --ci enables -DENABLE_CI for cmake and implicitly sets --clean --verbose

  • --clean|-c deletes the build directory before the build for a fresh start

  • --verbose|-v adds -v to the parameters for ninja

  • --package implicitly sets the BUILD_TYPE to Release and adds -D PACKAGING=true to cmake. Also implicitly sets --clean

CI-Helper scripts

The ci folder contains a bunch of helper scripts to do different CI task. Keeping them separated from a specific CI solution enables us to reuse the code and additionally use them locally during development.


This script can be used to trigger and monitor Jenkins pipelines. We use it to trigger Yocto build jobs on a Jenkins instance.

Usage: ./ci/trigger_jenkins_ci.sh

Required environment variables: 

JENKINS_URI: base URI to acces the jenikins instance (i.e `https://jenkins.local`)
JENKINS_JOB_USER: the username to use for authorization
JENKINS_JOB_TOKEN: the access token to use for authorization
BRANCH_NAME: the name of the elos branch that shall be build as plain text NOT escaped or urlencoded