Architecture Design Record - Event Throtteling


Elos is built do receive and distribute Events from many different sources (e.g. Scanners and Clients) to many different sinks (e.g. Clients, Backends). This can result in rather severe problems if one of the source starts generating thousands of Events in a very short timespan. This could be either a malicous Program or simply a malfunctioning component like a Kernel driver that suddenly starts dumping trace-dumps in an endless loop.

How can we ensure that Elos continues to operate safely under such conditions?


  • Improve the design to let it operate as safely as possible while under duress

  • Detect attacks or malfunctioning components

  • Create countermeasures, like closing a connection or shutting a scanner down

  • Make sure that important Events are still processed as quickly as possible


Operating system and/or Kernel level countermeasures. These can be neccessary for certain sources, like Events coming over TCP/IP connections - These are out of scope of this ADR and have to be considered separately.


There are several different ways of overwhelming Elos, which shall be viewed here before coming to a final conclusion.

Connection flooding

Connection flooding (e.g. trying to create thousands of connections in a short timespan) needs to be viewed and considered separately for each connecting type (e.g. Unix, TCP/IP), as there can be big differences there - Especially in available means to detect malicious connection attempts, which in turn would allow us to drop or ignore certain connections.

The simplest and most universal countermeasure is to limit the amount of connections by a configuration parameter. This comes with problem though: While the limit keeps elosd, and by extension, the embedded system behind it from being overwhelmed, any Client trying to connect to elosd won’t be able to do so as long as the attackers maxed out connections are still open, preventing any further communication.

Another attack scenario might be counting the maximum amount of connections by connecting to elosd until it fails, then keep closing and opening connections as fast as possible with the counted maximum as a limit.

The simplest countermeasure here would be to add a timestamp as a component and disable the interface completely for a certain time, if the amount of opened/closed connections in a timeframe is too high - Which unfortunately has the same problem as the generic connection limit.

Any further mitigations are highly connection type dependend and need to be viewed separetely each, which is out of scope of this document.

Subscription flooding

Subscription flooding can be caused by e.g. a Client generating thousands of subscriptions in a very short amount of time. Sadly there is no sane and safe way of detecting malicious subscriptions, as even the most simple form, checking for duplicated filters, is time consuming and very easily defeated by randomizing the filter rules during subscription.

  • The only way to defend against this is to limit the amount of subscriptions a client can do via a configuration parameter.

Data flooding

Data flooding means to publish Events with a payload of several Gigabytes, which can easily overwhelm a target in terms of processing power, memory bandwidth and memory capacity while it tries to parse and convert the enormous amount of data. Especially the latter is the most dangerous here, as it forces a system to swap or trigger its Out-Of-Memory emergency handling, which very rarely goes well for its performance and general stability.

Unfortunately there is no sane and safe way to properly detect if a payload is filled with gargabe or sensible data.

  • The only way to defend against this type of attack is to limit the incoming size of the Event by a configuration parameter and drop such Events at the receiving stage before memory allocation and processing occurs.

  • Additional checks need to be considered, as even Events with a size limit can still overwhelm the memory capacity easily if enough of them are created.

Data stalling

Data stalling is the process of interrupting an ongoing communication by not answering a data packet, or only answering it partially by, for example, only sending the header but not the body of the message.

The only way to mitigate this issue is to make sure any connection related code can’t be stalled by adding timeouts where neccessary.

Event flooding

Event flooding can be caused by malicious intent or malfunctioning components, generating a huge number of Events in very short timespans. Like with the subscriptions, there is no sane and safe way of detecting which Events are bad and which are not.

  • This problem can be migitated by introducing a ringbuffer for each source that has a configureable set of limitations that can be checked against when Events are written into it. This also gives us an effective way to deal with misbehavig components, e.g. we can react and forcible close a Client connection in case it violates too many of the imposed limits.

Event throtteling/prioritizing

We need to make sure that important Events are processed and passed on quickly, even if we have DDoS attacks like described above going on.

  • To make this work we need to start splitting and decoupling some of the inner workings of the EventProcessor to allow processing of Events in multiple threads, which will also include priotization of certain Events.

Event merging

Sometimes even a well functioning component can generate many messages with the same content. Ideally we can detect and merge such Events into a singular entry. This comes with its own set of problems however in terms of how and what we can compare, e.g. a small variable part like a timestamp within the payload would make this a big hassle to implement. We also strongly need to consider performance here, as operations like these can very quickly get very expensive.

This is out of scope of this document and needs to be carefully considered with a couple of different scenarios (e.g. Syslog/Kmsg/…).

Design 1

The Design shall focus on the changes neccessary to mitigate the attack scenarios above. It is important to note that this design iteratively co-evolved with the considerations mentioned above, meaning that the considerations expanded each time an earlier “Design 1” or potential “Design 2” ran into problems and vice-versa. Due to this a “Design 2” that also solves all the considerations does not exist at the time.

Connection flooding

As mentioned above, connection type specific countermeasures are out of scope of this document, so only the basic countermeasures are handled here.

The first connection flooding scenario, opening as much connections as possible, already has a basic mitigation in place, with the ConnectionManager having a maximum connection limit defined by CONNECTION_MANAGER_MAX_CONNECTIONS.

This implementation can be sligthly improved by moving this define into the configuration files. The suggested value is: elos/ConnectionManager/Limits/MaximumConnections/{integer}

The second scenario, closing and opening as many connections as possible, currently has no countermeasures implemented. The easiest way to defend against this is to introduce a NewConnectionsPerSecond Limit that is checked each time a new connection is made and stops to listen for new connections for a specified amount of time, while also generating an appropriate Event to be logged. The primary goal here is to keep elosd operative as well as keeping it from consuming too much processing power on the embedded system - Losing the ability to connect to elosd for this time is unfortunate but by far the lesser evil compared to everything else stalling on the target; Already established connections will be unaffected by this.

The implementation shall use two configuration values NewConnectionsPerSecond and ConnectionFloodingTimeout, these must be put in the same configuration space as MaximumConnections. The listen loop that waits for new connections needs to be extended by the mentioned connections-per-second counter. In case the limit is reached, an appropriate Event shall be published, followed by a simple wait command (e.g. nanosleep()) that waits for the defined time, after which normal operation continues.

Subscription flooding

Currently the amounts of subscriptions a client can create is not restricted. This can be solved in a very similar fashion to connection flooding by adding a value to the configuration file. The value can then checked every time elosMessageEventSubscribe is called by comparing it against the amount of EventQueues associated with the connection. Should the limit be reached, and error string shall be returned to the client describing the problem.

Suggested configuration value: elos/ConnectionManager/Limits/MaximumSubscriptionsPerConnection/{integer} Suggested error string: "maximum amount of subscriptions per connection reached"

Data flooding

Currently the amounts of data a client can send is not restricted. This can be solved in the same way as with Connection/Subscription flooding by checking against a configuration value while receiving messages. The value is ideally buffered in one of the shared data structeres to make access faster, as the read function is called very often. The suggested value is: elos/ConnectionManager/Limits/MaximumDataLength/{integer}

Data stalling

There is currently no protection against data stalling. To solve this we need to extend our reading and writing functions with a timeout as well as new return codes so we can properly identify and propagate the timeout error.

The timeout value needs to be based on a configuration value, which ideally is buffered for performance reasons. The suggest configuration value is: elos/ConnectionManager/Limits/DataSendReceiveTimeout/{sec,nsec}

Event flooding and Event throtteling/prioritizing

Event flooding and Event throtteling/prioritizing are viewed together here; These can’t be solved independendly, as every change made for one will affect the other with the way we implement the solution.

The current implementation has the EventProcessor as a singular instance when it comes to processing Events; All sources share this instance with a single set of filters (as well as mutexes), so it is currently relatively easy to stall it by overwhelming it with dozens of Subscriptions or too many Events at once.

This shall be solved by, as mentioned above, restructing the EventProcessor. as well as adding two new components that will help with handling the scenarios mentioned above.

The new data path will roughly be as the following: Source -> Publish -> EventBuffer -> EventDispatcher -> EventProcessorPipeline -> Sink

Every source (e.g. Scanner or a Client) will receive its own EventBuffer which it can write into with Publish. A Pipeline will essentially be what the EventProcessor currently is, a set of filters with their respective sinks (e.g. Client, Backends, Scanner). The difference here is that we will be able to configure and run many Pipelines in parallel, this includes fixed Pipelines for our Backends as well as dynamic ones created for Client subscriptions. These Pipelines shall be able to be grouped into several threads (1..n Pipelines per thread). The EventDispatcher will run 1..n threads that are resonsible to safely distribute the Events within the EventBuffers to the various Pipelines, with the focus on processing the more important Events as soon as possible.

Attention: As these are a lot of rather complex changes we shall try to break this overhaul down into as simple as possible chunks that are easier to implement and that can be extended with the intended feature set later. Based on this we’re going to focus on EventBuffer and the EventDispatcher first, with the EventProcessor following once the first two are established.


The EventBuffer is the new publish point for Events in Clients and Scanners. Its primary purpose is to give each Source its own RingBuffer that can be filled without affecting any other Source, thus helping with detecting and defending against Event flooding style attacks. Its secondary purpose is to help with Event throtteling/prioritizing by pre-sorting Events in a way that minimizes the work the EventDispatcher has do to - Ideally the EventDispatcher does not need to parse the Events in any form and can focus on dispatching the available Events by simply copying them to the different Pipelines as fast as possible.

Handling of these buffers shall be invisible to both and has to be handled by e.g. the ConnectionManager and the ScannerManager. Since read/write speed is extremely important here we won’t have a centralized component managing these Buffers, as we do not want to do an id based lookup every time we publish an event - Instead the EventBuffer shall be a standalone component.

The EventBuffer is intended to have 1..n RingBuffers based on the Event’s priority, configured with parameters during the EventBuffers creation. There up to two ways on how to define this priority: The Event’s .severity field (extremely fast to check) and by defining 1..n EventFilters, which is extremely powerful, but could be too slow depending on how many Events are processed per second.

Due to the current lack of EventFilter performance data and the aforementioned focus on getting the components established first, the priority handling will be fleshed out in more detail once the new infrastructure is established (after which it will be easy to add and test new features).

The intial implementation shall be based on the following:

// Data types
typedef elosId_t elosEventBufferId_t;

typedef struct elosEventBuffer {
    elosFlag_t          flags;
    elosEventBufferId_t id;
    pthread_mutex_t     mutex;
    safuVec_t           *eventVec;
    uint32_t            eventVecPos;
    uint32_t            limitEventCount;
    // More to follow, e.g. time limit, callbacks, priority based buffers
} elosEventBuffer_t;

typedef struct elosEventBufferParam {
    elosEventBufferId_t id;
    uint32_t            limitEventCount;
} elosEventBufferParam_t;

// Functions
safuResultE_t elosEventBufferNew(elosEventBuffer_t **eventBuffer);
safuResultE_t elosEventBufferInitialize(elosEventBuffer_t *eventBuffer, elosEventBufferParam_t param);
safuResultE_t elosEventBufferRead(elosEventBuffer_t *eventBuffer, safuVec_t **eventVec);
safuResultE_t elosEventBufferWrite(elosEventBuffer_t *eventBuffer, elosEvent_t const * const event);
safuResultE_t elosEventBufferDeleteMembers(elosEventBuffer_t *eventBuffer);
safuResultE_t elosEventBufferDelete(elosEventBuffer_t *eventBuffer);


  • Read shall, for now, detach the eventVec (much like EventQueue) and create a new one during read.

  • Write shall write the given Event into eventVec.

  • eventVec needs to behave like a RingBuffer, limitEventCount and eventVecPos should be used to implement the behaviour. This may be moved into its own component in the future.


The main problem with giving each Source its own EventBuffer is how we get many Events in different EventQueues to multiple EventProcessorPipelines while keeping everything coherent - How do we know if all the Pipelines finished reading from a given EventBuffer for example? What if one of the Pipelines is really slow or hangs for some reason? To circumvent these problems the EventDispatcher is added.

The EventDispatcher’s main purpose is to copy Events from EventBuffers to the various EventProcessorPipelines as quickly as possible. Is is intended to be able to configure multiple EventDispatchers with different priorities, with a central EventDispatcherManager that is responsible for setting up (and cleaning up) everything.

Each EventDispatcher will run in its own thread and distributes the contents (based on priority) from 1..n EventBuffers to 1..n EventProcessorPipelines. Later on it is intended to be able to group several Dispatchers into a single thread, but for the beginning every Dispatcher will run in its own thread.

The initial implementation shall be based around the following:

// Data types
typedef struct elosEventDispatcher {
    elosFlag_t           flags;
    pthread_mutex_t      mutex;
    safuVec_t            eventBufferPtrVec;
    samconfConfig_t      *config;
    elosEventProcessor_t *eventProcessor;
    elosEventBufferId_t  idCount; // To be replaced later with idManager
} elosEventDispatcher_t;

typedef struct elosEventDispatcherParam {
    samconfConfig_t      *config;
    elosEventProcessor_t *eventProcessor;
} elosEventDispatcherParam_t;

// Functions
safuResultE_t elosEventDispatcherNew(elosEventDispatcher_t **eventDispatcher);
safuResultE_t elosEventDispatcherInitialize(elosEventVector_t *eventDispatcher, elosEventDispatcherParam_t param);
safuResultE_t elosEventDispatcherBufferAdd(elosEventVector_t *eventDispatcher, elosEventBuffer_t *eventBuffer, elosEventBufferId_t *eventBufferId);
safuResultE_t elosEventDispatcherBufferRemove(elosEventVector_t *eventDispatcher, elosEventBufferId_t eventBufferId);
safuResultE_t elosEventDispatcherDispatch(elosEventVector_t *eventDispatcher);
safuResultE_t elosEventDispatcherStart(elosEventVector_t *eventDispatcher);
safuResultE_t elosEventDispatcherStop(elosEventVector_t *eventDispatcher);
safuResultE_t elosEventDispatcherDeleteMembers(elosEventVector_t *eventDispatcher);
safuResultE_t elosEventDispatcherDelete(elosEventVector_t *eventDispatcher);


  • BufferAdd and BufferRemove shall be used by e.g. the ConnectionManager and the ScannerManager to add and remove Buffers that the EventDispatcher uses.

  • Start and Stop are responsible for handling the background thread that runs the EventDispatcher.

  • Dispatch is intended to be used internally by the background thread only, it shall read from all Buffers in eventBufferPtrVec and forward them to the EventProcessor.

  • The EventDispatcherManager will use nearly the same set of functions and parameters as EventDispatcher, due to this the code snippets for it are not present here.

  • The initial implementation will simply read from 1..n Buffers and pass them on directly to the current EventProcessor to get things running.


The EventProcessor will be reworked to have multiple configureable Pipelines, with, as mentioned above, each Pipeline having a similiar featureset compared to what the EventProcessor currently has.

It is intended that 1..n Pipelines run in a thread, with each Pipeline having their own EventBuffer that is filled by EventDispatchers. Each Pipeline will also have 1..n EventFilters as well as 1 “Sink” (e.g. a EventQueue or a Backend), to which the Events will be passed in case one of the EventFilters matches.

The details to this component will be fleshed out in more detail once the basic EventBuffers and EventDispatchers are established in the codebase.