
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

struct elosEventDispatcher

Data structure of an EventDispatcher

safuFlags_t flags

contains the component status bits, e.g. initialized, active

pthread_mutex_t lock

mutex for ensuring thread safe access to the EventDispatcher

int sync

eventfd used for synchronization between EventDispatcher and its worker thread

elosEventDispatcherWorker_t worker

data structure for the EventDispatcher worker thread

int eventBufferPtrVector

contains the EventBuffers the EventDispatcher is monitoring

int *eventProcessor

the EventProcessor the Events shall be dispatched to

struct elosEventDispatcherParam

Parameter for EventDispatcher initialization

int *eventProcessor

The EventProcessor the Events shall be dispatched to

const struct timespec *pollTimeout

Timeout for the poll() command that is waiting for eventfd writes Can be NULL, in this case ELOS_EVENTDISPATCHER_DEFAULT_POLL_TIMEOUT is used.

const struct timespec *healthTimeInterval

Minimum time interval for health events to be published (can be more). Can be NULL, in this case ELOS_EVENTDISPATCHER_DEFAULT_HEALTH_INTERVAL is used.

struct elosEventDispatcherParam_t

Parameter for EventDispatcher initialization

int *eventProcessor

The EventProcessor the Events shall be dispatched to

const struct timespec *pollTimeout

Timeout for the poll() command that is waiting for eventfd writes Can be NULL, in this case ELOS_EVENTDISPATCHER_DEFAULT_POLL_TIMEOUT is used.

const struct timespec *healthTimeInterval

Minimum time interval for health events to be published (can be more). Can be NULL, in this case ELOS_EVENTDISPATCHER_DEFAULT_HEALTH_INTERVAL is used.

struct elosEventDispatcherWorker

Data structure of an EventDispatcher’s worker thread

pthread_t thread

Posix thread identifiert

int trigger

Eventfd used for synchronization between worker thread and the EventDispatcher

struct timespec pollTimeout

Timeout for the poll() command that is waiting for eventfd writes

struct timespec healthTimeInterval

Minimum time interval for health events to be published (can be more)

struct timespec healthTimeTreshold

Timestamp used for testing if a health event needs to be published

int eventsPublished

Published events since the last health event

struct elosEventDispatcherWorker_t

Data structure of an EventDispatcher’s worker thread

pthread_t thread

Posix thread identifiert

int trigger

Eventfd used for synchronization between worker thread and the EventDispatcher

struct timespec pollTimeout

Timeout for the poll() command that is waiting for eventfd writes

struct timespec healthTimeInterval

Minimum time interval for health events to be published (can be more)

struct timespec healthTimeTreshold

Timestamp used for testing if a health event needs to be published

int eventsPublished

Published events since the last health event

struct elosEventDispatcher_t

Data structure of an EventDispatcher

safuFlags_t flags

contains the component status bits, e.g. initialized, active

pthread_mutex_t lock

mutex for ensuring thread safe access to the EventDispatcher

int sync

eventfd used for synchronization between EventDispatcher and its worker thread

elosEventDispatcherWorker_t worker

data structure for the EventDispatcher worker thread

int eventBufferPtrVector

contains the EventBuffers the EventDispatcher is monitoring

int *eventProcessor

the EventProcessor the Events shall be dispatched to