// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
safuResultE_t elosConnectSessionTcpip(const char *host, uint16_t port, elosSession_t *session)¶
[source] Function: elosConnectSessionTcpip¶
- Description:
Establishes connection to elos over tcp/ip with an already allocated session.
- Input:
host: host address as hostname, ipv4 or ipv6, e.g. “”
port: port number, e.g. 54321
- Output:
session: session data structure used by other functions
- Return:
SAFU_RESULT_OK for success or SAFU_RESULT_FAILED on failure
safuResultE_t elosConnectTcpip(const char *host, uint16_t port, elosSession_t **session)¶
[source] Function: elosConnectTcpip¶
- Description:
Establishes connection to elos over tcp/ip.
- Input:
host: host address as hostname, ipv4 or ipv6, e.g. “”
port: port number, e.g. 54321
- Output:
session: session data structure used by other functions
- Return:
SAFU_RESULT_OK for success or SAFU_RESULT_FAILED on failure
safuResultE_t elosConnectUnix(const char *path, elosSession_t **session)¶
[source] Function: elosConnectUnix¶
- Description:
Establishes connection to elos over unix domain sokcet.
- Input:
path: path to unix domain socket
- Output:
session: session data structure used by other functions
- Return:
SAFU_RESULT_OK for success or SAFU_RESULT_FAILED on failure
safuResultE_t elosDisconnect(elosSession_t *session)¶
[source] Function: elosDisconnect¶
- Description:
Disconnects from elos and frees the allocated memory and objects.
- Input:
session: session data structure (invalid after function call)
- Return:
SAFU_RESULT_OK for success or SAFU_RESULT_FAILED on failure
safuResultE_t elosDisconnectSession(elosSession_t *session)¶
[source] Function: elosDisconnectSession¶
- Description:
Disconnects Session from elos.
- Input:
session: session data structure
- Return:
SAFU_RESULT_OK for success or SAFU_RESULT_FAILED on failure
safuResultE_t elosEventPublish(elosSession_t *session, const elosEvent_t *event)¶
[source] Function: elosEventPublish¶
- Description:
Publishes the given Event.
- Input:
session: session data structure
- Output:
event: content of the event in form of a elosEvent_t struct
- Return:
SAFU_RESULT_OK for success or SAFU_RESULT_FAILED on failure
safuResultE_t elosEventQueueRead(elosSession_t *session, elosEventQueueId_t eventQueueId, elosEventVector_t **eventVector)¶
[source] Function: elosEventQueueRead¶
- Description:
Waits for new events in the given EventQueue and returns them in form of a json string.
The function is blocking or non blocking depending on how the timeout value is set
The memory for events will be allocated by the library and must be freed by the user _TBD: How to pass through EventFree()?_
- Input:
session: session data structure
eventQueueId: the id of the eventQueue to read from
- Output:
eventsVector: list of elosEvent_t structs containing the occuring events
- Return:
SAFU_RESULT_OK for success or SAFU_RESULT_FAILED on failure
safuResultE_t elosEventSubscribe(elosSession_t *session, char const **filterRuleArray, size_t filterRuleArraySize, elosEventQueueId_t *eventQueueId)¶
[source] Function: elosEventSubscribe¶
- Description:
Creates an EventQueue that is filled with Events that match at least one of the given EventFilterStrings.
- Info:
The EventQueue can be referred to by the EventQueueID while polling for new events.
Multiple EventQueues can be created and used.
The EventQueueID is only valid during the active session. Once the session is closed (elosDisconnect) the EventQueues associated with it are removed.
- Input:
session: session data structure
filterRuleArray: list of EventFilterStrings (e.g. {“.event.messageCode 8004 EQ”, “.event.messageCode 8005 EQ”})
filterRuleArraySize: the lenght of the filterRuleArray
- Output:
eventQueueId: an id for the created eventlist that is used for fetching events
- Return:
SAFU_RESULT_OK for success or SAFU_RESULT_FAILED on failure
safuResultE_t elosEventUnsubscribe(elosSession_t *session, elosEventQueueId_t eventQueueId)¶
[source] Function: elosEventUnsubscribe¶
- Description:
Deletes the EventQueue and the associated filters.
- Info:
The EventQueue can be referred to by the EventQueueID while polling for new events.
- Input:
session: session data structure
- Output:
eventQueueId: an id for the eventlist tto be removed
- Return:
SAFU_RESULT_OK for success or SAFU_RESULT_FAILED on failure
safuResultE_t elosFindEvents(elosSession_t *session, const char *filterRule, struct timespec const *newest, struct timespec const *oldest, elosEventVector_t **eventVector)¶
[source] Function: elosFindEvents¶
- Description:
Fetches all logged events based on the used filter (e.g. based on payload or other data).
In case no events are in the log, the vector parameter won’t be changed.
The memory of the event vector will be allocated by the library and must be freed afterwards with elosEventVectorDelete().
- Input:
session: session data structure
filterRule: filter rule for entry selection
newest: time of the earliest event to look for
oldest: time of the oldest event to look for
- Output:
vector: list of event structs
- Return:
SAFU_RESULT_OK for success or SAFU_RESULT_FAILED on failure
safuResultE_t elosGetVersion(elosSession_t *session, const char **version)¶
[source] Function: elosGetVersion¶
- Description:
Returns the version of the elos server.
- Input:
session: session data structure
- Output:
version: version of the elos server in form of “major.minor” (e.g. “1.0”)
- Return:
SAFU_RESULT_OK for success or SAFU_RESULT_FAILED on failure
safuResultE_t elosLogFindEvent(elosSession_t *session, const char *filterRule, elosEventVector_t **eventVector)¶
[source] Function: elosLogFindEvent¶
- Description:
Fetches all logged events based on the used filter (e.g. based on payload or other data).
In case no events are in the log, the vector parameter won’t be changed.
The memory of the event vector will be allocated by the library and must be freed afterwards with elosEventVectorDelete().
Warning: Deprecated and can be removed without further notice. Use elosFindEvents instead.
- Input:
session: session data structure
filterRule: filter rule for entry selection
- Output:
vector: list of event structs
- Return:
SAFU_RESULT_OK for success or SAFU_RESULT_FAILED on failure