Source code for elos/libelosplugin/libelosPluginConfig.h
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <samconf/samconf.h>
#include "elos/libelosplugin/types.h"
* This component provides common utility functions to handle plugin configuration.
* Get integer value for given plugin option path.
* I.e. `/Config/anIntegerOption`
* Note: Actually it is the task of samconf to merge different configuration sources, but until support for
* `environment` is implemented, it must be done here manually.
* Parameters:
int32_t elosPluginConfigGetInt(elosPlugin_t const *plugin, const char *pathToConfigOption, const char *envVarName,
int32_t defaultValue);
const char *elosPluginConfigGetString(elosPlugin_t const *plugin, const char *pathToConfigOption,
const char *envVarName, const char *defaultValue);