Source code for elos/libelosplugin/StorageBackend_types.h
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <safu/common.h>
#include <safu/vector.h>
#include "elos/event/event.h"
#include "elos/eventfilter/eventfilter_types.h"
struct elosStorageBackend;
typedef struct elosStorageBackend elosStorageBackend_t;
* A hook to be called by the system to run an instance of the Storage Backend
* plugin.
* Parameters:
* backend (elosStorageBackend_t*): The Storage Backend instance itself.
* Returns:
* safuResultE_t:
* SAFU_RESULT_OK – on success.
* SAFU_RESULT_FAILURE – on failure.
typedef safuResultE_t elosStorageBackendStart_t(elosStorageBackend_t *backend);
* A hook to be called by the system to persist an event for the given instance
* of the Storage Backend plugin.
* Parameters:
* backend (elosStorageBackend_t*): The Storage Backend instance itself.
* event (elosEvent_t*): The event to be stored.
* Returns:
* safuResultE_t:
* SAFU_RESULT_OK – on success.
* SAFU_RESULT_FAILURE – on failure.
typedef safuResultE_t elosStorageBackendPersist_t(elosStorageBackend_t *backend, const elosEvent_t *event);
* A hook to be called by the system to find all events in an instance of the
* Storage Backend plugin that match a given filter.
* Parameters:
* backend (elosStorageBackend_t*): The Storage Backend instance itself.
* filter (safuVec_t*): The filter to find matching events.
* newest (struct timespec const *): the most recent timetamp to check for
* oldest (struct timespec const *): timstamp befor oldest event to find
* events (safuVec_t*): A vector to store matching events.
* Returns:
* safuResultE_t:
* SAFU_RESULT_OK – On success, the `events`vector contains all
* matching events or is empty if no events could be found.
* SAFU_RESULT_FAILURE – on failure. Check the logs for details.
typedef safuResultE_t elosStorageBackendFindEvent_t(elosStorageBackend_t *backend, elosEventFilter_t *filter,
struct timespec const *newest, struct timespec const *oldest,
safuVec_t *events);
* The shutdown hook to be called by the system to shutdown the given instance
* of the Storage Backend plugin.
* Parameters:
* backend (elosStorageBackend_t*): The Storage Backend instance itself.
* Returns:
* safuResultE_t:
* SAFU_RESULT_OK – on success.
* SAFU_RESULT_FAILURE – on failure.
typedef safuResultE_t elosStorageBackendShutdown_t(elosStorageBackend_t *backend);
* The StorageBackend represents an instance of a specific Storage Backend.
* Members:
* name: The Storage Backend instance identifier
* backendData: A plugin specific context for this instance
* filter: Vector of filters to determine which events should accepted and
* processed by this instance.
* start: Function pointer to plugin specific start function.
* persist: Function pointer to plugin specific persist function.
* findEvent: Function pointer to plugin specific findEvent function.
* shutdown: Function pointer to plugin specific stop function.
struct elosStorageBackend {
[docs] elosStorageBackendStart_t *start;
[docs] elosStorageBackendPersist_t *persist;
[docs] elosStorageBackendFindEvent_t *findEvent;
[docs] elosStorageBackendShutdown_t *shutdown;
* A `safuVect_t` to store `StorageBackend_t*`
typedef safuVec_t elosStorageBackendPtrVector_t;