Source code for connectionmanager/clientconnection.h

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <safu/result.h>

#include "connectionmanager/clientconnection_types.h"

[docs]/******************************************************************* * Initializes a new ClientConnection. * * Parameters: * clientConnection: ClientConnection structure that will be initialized * sharedData: Reference to shared data of all connecitons. * Returns: * - SAFU_RESULT_FAILED on error * - SAFU_RESULT_OK on success ******************************************************************/ safuResultE_t elosClientConnectionInitialize(elosClientConnection_t *clientConnection, elosClientConnectionSharedData_t *sharedData);
[docs]/******************************************************************* * Creates a worker thread using the given socketFd for communication. * Each ClientConnection can only handle one worker thread, * calling Start a second time will result in an error. * * Parameters: * clientConnection: The ClientConnection to be started * socketFd: The socketFd that shall be used for communication * Returns: * - SAFU_RESULT_FAILED on error * - SAFU_RESULT_OK on success ******************************************************************/ safuResultE_t elosClientConnectionStart(elosClientConnection_t *clientConnection, int socketFd);
[docs]/******************************************************************* * Stops the currently active worker thread. * Start can be called again with a new socketFd after * a ClientConnection has been stopped. * * Parameters: * clientConnection: The ClientConnection to be stopped * Returns: * - SAFU_RESULT_FAILED on error * - SAFU_RESULT_OK on success ******************************************************************/ safuResultE_t elosClientConnectionStop(elosClientConnection_t *clientConnection);
[docs]/******************************************************************* * Frees all resources used be the given ClientConnection. * Will also automatically Stop an active worker thread * before freeing up the resources. * * Parameters: * clientConnection: The ClientConnection to be freed * Returns: * - SAFU_RESULT_FAILED on error * - SAFU_RESULT_OK on success ******************************************************************/ safuResultE_t elosClientConnectionDeleteMembers(elosClientConnection_t *clientConnection);
[docs]/******************************************************************* * Checks if the given ClientConnection has been started or not. * * Parameters: * clientConnection: The ClientConnection to be checked * active: set to 'true' if a connection is active/started, 'false' otherwise. * Returns: * - SAFU_RESULT_FAILED on error * - SAFU_RESULT_OK on success ******************************************************************/ safuResultE_t elosClientConnectionIsActive(elosClientConnection_t *clientConnection, bool *active);
[docs]/******************************************************************* * Worker thread function used by pthread_create() * * Parameters: * ptr: Pointer to a ClientConnection struct * Returns: * - Always NULL ******************************************************************/ void *elosClientConnectionWorker(void *ptr);