Building old Berrymill images

The previous versions of the EBcL SDK used kiwi-ng for building images. Using kiwi-ng was a quite pragmatic choice, since it’s an established tool to build images from binary IT distribution packages. Nevertheless, it turned out that kiwi-ng is not flexible enough to build typical embedded images. Starting from EBcL SDK 1.3 the new make and generator based builds are used. This approach has the advantage that it’s flexible enough for any imaginable build flow, and that the builds are much more efficient. Nevertheless, at least for EBcL 1.x, kiwi-ng is still provided and supported. If you are at the very beginning of your development, we recommend switching to the new build flow, since it is more efficient, and kiwi-ng support will be most likely dropped with the EBcL 2.x line.

For a stepwise transition, you can use the new build tools to build your existing kiwi-ng images. The folder images/example-old-images/qemu/berrymill contains an example showing how to build an old berrymill and kiwi-ng image using the new tools.

# Use Berrymill and Kiwi as image builder
type: kiwi
# Use KVM accelerated building - turn of if not supported on your host
kvm: true
# CPU architecture of the target
arch: 'amd64'
# Relative path to the kiwi appliance
# Relative path to the berrymill.conf
berrymill_conf: berrymill.conf
# Result file name pattern
result_pattern: '*.qcow2'

The root generator supports a parameter called “image”, with the path to the as value. An existing berrymill.conf can be provided using the parameter “berrymill_conf”. The old images typically used qcow2 results, and the parameter “result_pattern” can be used to tell the root generator to search for such files. Using this his root.yaml, the root generator will run a berrymill build for the given, and the results will be placed in the given output folder. This call of the root generator, and the instructions to run the resulting image with QEMU, are contained in the example Makefile. The “ –no-config” is needed to tell the root generator to not extract the result and apply the configuration, since this will be already done as part of the kiwi-ng build.