Mercury Currency Engine
High Level Cpp Coroutine Concurrency Summary

Table of Contents


Running code as a concurrent coroutine


The functions mce::concurrent(), mce::parallel() and mce::balance() will launch a given function or Callable (and any arguments) as a concurrently executing coroutine. Data can be communicated between coroutines and threads via channels (mce::chan, mce::unbuffered_channel, mce::buffered_channel) and their send() and recv() methods.

A trivial example:

example_005 source

// example_005
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "mce.hpp"
void my_function(int arg0, std::string arg1, mce::chan<int> done_ch)
std::cout << "arg0: "
<< arg0
<< "; arg1: "
<< arg1
<< std::endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
mce::chan<int> done_ch = mce::chan<int>::make();
// execute functions as a parallel, concurrent coroutine using the parallel() call
mce::parallel(my_function, 3, "hello world", done_ch);
// wait for a coroutine to send a value over done_ch before returning
int r;
return 0;

Terminal output:

$ ./ex/example_005
arg0: 3; arg1: hello world

See concurrency summary for more information

Channels explained


mce::unbuffered_channels, mce::buffered_channels and are synchronized communication mechanisms for sending values between places in code (running on any combination of normal threads or coroutines).

All channels must have their construct() function called OR assigned their internals from another channel before they can function (a new channel with constructed context can be generated with a call to a channel's static make() procedure). This is because channels are merely interfaces to shared data internals.

mce::unbuffered_channels communicate data and force both the sender and recipient to block until both are ready. This means that the sender or receiver will always block if there is no complementary blocking receiver or sender.

mce::buffered_channels communicate data asynchronously. Send operations only block when no room remains in the internal data container. Receive operations only block when no values remain unclaimed in the internal data container.

Both variants use send() operations to send data into the channel and recv() operations to retrieve data from the channel.

Warning: It is best to make copies of channels, so the shared internals do not unexpectedly go out of scope.

example_006 source

// example_006
#include <iostream>
#include "mce.hpp"
void func(mce::buffered_channel<std::string> out_ch)
void func2(mce::buffered_channel<std::string> in_ch, mce::unbuffered_channel<int> done_ch)
std::string s;
std::cout << "func said " << s << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// has an internal container that can hold 3 simultaneous values
auto ch = mce::buffered_channel<std::string>::make(3);
// has no internal container for values
auto done_ch = mce::unbuffered_channel<int>::make();
mce::parallel(func, ch);
mce::parallel(func2, ch, done_ch);
int r;
return 0;

Terminal output:

$ ./ex/example_006
func said hello

As a note, all channels support the function void close(), which will cause all current and future communication operations (such as send() and recv()) to fail. It will also unblock coroutines and threads using the channel.

mce::unbuffered_channels and mce::buffered_channels also have other functions such as try_recv() in addition to their standard methods. See data communication summary for more information.

Simplifying channels with chan


The mce::chan object is a special wrapper object which can represent any channel which implements mce:base_channel, such as an mce::unbuffered_channel and mce::buffered_channel. Because of this, it only directly gives access to API provided by (or implementable with said API) mce::base_channel.

If you don't want subsequent functions to bother about what kind of channel they are using or simply want more readable code use mce::chan.

example_007 source

// example_007
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "mce.hpp"
int main()
// is a buffered channel
mce::chan<std::string> buf_ch = mce::chan<std::string>::make(mce::buffered_channel<std::string>::make(3));
// no channel provided, defaults to unbuffered_channel
mce::chan<std::string> unbuf_ch = mce::chan<std::string>::make();
mce::chan<int> done_ch = mce::chan<int>::make();
auto my_function = [](mce::chan<std::string> ch1,
mce::chan<std::string> ch2,
mce::chan<int> done_ch)
std::string r1;
std::string r2;
std::cout << "ch1: " << r1 << "; ch2: " << r2 << std::endl;
mce::parallel(my_function, buf_ch, unbuf_ch, done_ch);
int r;
return 0;

Terminal output:

$ ./ex/example_007
ch1: hello; ch2: world

Channel iterators


All channels provide iterator support with begin() and end(), allowing usage in range-for loops. This behavior is very useful because channel iterators are == end() when the channel is closed, meaning you don't have to watch for operations to begin failing.

Iterators generated from parent type base_channel<TYPE> are base_channel<TYPE>::iterator. This pattern follows for the other channel types as well (IE unbuffered_channel<TYPE> has unbuffered_channel<TYPE>::iterator).

example_008 source

// example_008
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "mce.hpp"
using namespace mce;
int main()
mce::chan<std::string> ch = mce::chan<std::string>::make();
mce::chan<bool> done_ch = mce::chan<bool>::make();
auto sender = [=]
for(size_t cnt = 0; cnt<10; ++cnt)
ch.send(std::string("hello") + std::to_string(cnt));
auto receiver = [=]
for(auto& s : ch)
std::cout << s << std::endl;
bool r;
return 0;

Should print:

$ ./ex

Using coroutines and channels to generate asynchronous futures


Combining the mce::concurrent function with channels allows trivial implementation of futures (where the channel is analogous to a std::future object provided when std::async() is called):

example_010 source

// example_010
#include <iostream>
#include "mce.hpp"
const int the_number = 3;
int main()
// this channel behaves like an std::future
mce::chan<int> ret_ch = mce::chan<int>::make();
mce::parallel([ret_ch]{ ret_ch.send(the_number); });
int r;
std::cout << "The number: " << r << std::endl;
return 0;

Terminal output:

$ ./ex/example_010
The number: 3

Running coroutines blocking on other coroutines


Coroutines that detect they are blocked will suspend execution by communicating their blocked state and yielding to their calling context. Normally the calling context within this framework is a mce::scheduler object which is responsible for efficiently executing the next coroutine.

Unit testing shows that coroutine yield context switching is significantly faster than OS driven condition synchronization. Assuming that useful work is being done in at least one scheduler the overhead cost for this operation is minimal.

This example can be run alongside a process observation task (like taskmanager on windows or top on linux) to see that the process is not using cpu:

// human_only_example_001
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "mce.hpp"
int main(int argc, char** argv)
mce::chan<int> test_ch = mce::chan<int>::make();
std::string inp;
// CPU usage should be 0 because we are using OS level blocking when no
// tasks are available
std::cout << "wait for user input: ";
std::cin >> inp;
// spawn task that will block forever
mce::parallel([&]{ int x; test_ch.recv(x);});
std::cout << "wait for user input2: ";
std::cin >> inp;
return 0;

Running coroutines with blocking calls


A consequence of true blocking behavior is that by definition it blocks the entire thread. In the case of a thread running multiple coroutines this will therefore block all other coroutines from running, causing extreme delay (or deadlock if any coroutines require interaction from another coroutine on the blocked thread).

This is a common pain point for tasks that need to do blocking operations, that is, to interact with the operating system or other processes in a way that causes the caller to block for an indefinite amount of time.

Instead, await() blocks a coroutine (in a way that allows other coroutines to execute in the meantime) and to execute the function passed to await() on another (non-threadpool) thread running a scheduler without blocking other coroutines.

Here is a working example:

example_012 source

// example_012
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include "mce.hpp"
void my_function(mce::buffered_channel<int> done_ch)
mce::thunk t = []
std::cout << "executing on thread "
<< std::this_thread::get_id()
<< std::endl;
// launch a new thread, block the current coroutine or thread, execute t
// on the new thread, then unblock the calling thread with the result
int main(int argc, char** argv)
mce::buffered_channel<int> done_ch;
// execute functions as coroutines with the concurrent() call
mce::parallel(my_function, done_ch);
// wait for a coroutine to send a value over done_ch before returning
int x;
return 0;

Terminal output:

$ ./ex/example_012
executing on thread 139945936029440
executing on thread 139945902323456
executing on thread 139945936029440

Any function or lambda passed to await() can reference local variables safely. This is because local variables exist in a context which is guaranteed to be blocked while the function passed to await() is running.

example_001 source

#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <mce/mce.hpp>
void read_file_content(std::string fname, mce::chan<int> done_ch) {
std::string fileContent;
// create a function to execute in mce::await() that accesses the caller's stack
auto read_file = [&] {
std::ifstream file(fname); // open file
if(file.is_open()) {
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << file.rdbuf(); // extract file contents
fileContent = ss.str();
return true; // await() will return what the input function returns
} else {
return false;
// wait for boolean return value of read_file function
if(mce::await(read_file)) {
std::cout << "file successfully read" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "failed to read file" << std::endl;
std::cout << "fileContent: " << fileContent << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// this is test setup, just ensuring there is a file to read
std::string fname("my_filename.txt");
std::ofstream file(fname, std::ios_base::trunc);
if(file) {
file << "hello world!";
// launch asynchronous coroutine to read the file content
auto done_ch = mce::chan<int>::make();
mce::parallel(read_file_content, fname, done_ch);
// wait for coroutine to finish before the program exits
int r;
return 0;

Terminal output:

$ ./ex/example_001
file successfully read
fileContent: hello world!

Using timers

The mce library provides is an object called mce::timer_service in timer.hpp (see "timer service" in Summary of Concurrent Operations for more information on this object), which can scheduler timers. This object requires its own system thread to run on. Unless disabled by compiler define MCE_DISABLE_DEFAULT_TIMER_THREADS, this frameworks provides a default mce::timer_service running on a background worker thread accessible via function std::shared_pointer<mce::timer_service> mce::default_timer_service().

It should be noted that the toplevel mce::timer() operation launch timers whose timeouts occur as a coroutine on the same mce::scheduler of the system thread the mce::timer() was called on. This is behavior causes timeouts to be "asynchronous" but they execute on the same thread that launched them, instead of on a dedicated timer_service thread.

To alert coroutines on timeout with a mce::timer_service the user can use channels:

#include <mce/scheduler.hpp>
#include <mce/io.hpp>
#include <mce/timer.hpp>
my_value my_coroutine() {
auto ch = mce::chan<int>::make();
mce::default_timer_service()->timer(mce::time_unit::millisecond, 500, [=]{ ch.send(0);});
int done;
ch.recv(done); // block until timeout
//... continue operations

The above business logic is similar to how mce::sleep() calls operate.

Behind the scenes


A note on reference bindings

Throughout this library various functions will take other functions and an optional set of arguments which are internally bound together using std::bind(). Example functions which have this behavior:

template <typename F, typename... A> void mce::concurrent(F&&, A&&...);
template <typename F, typename... A> void mce::await(F&&, A&&...);
template <typename F, typename... As> mce::timer_id mce::timer(mce::time_unit u, std::uint64_t count, F&& f, As&&...);
template <typename F, typename... As> mce::timer_id mce::timer(mce::duration d, F&& f, As&&...);
template <typename F, typename... As> mce::timer_id mce::timer(mce::time_point timeout, F&& f, As&&...);

When this happens the ONLY way to pass an argument by reference is to use std::ref or std::cref. This limitation is imposed by c++ std::bind.

example_003 source

// example_003
#include <iostream>
#include "mce.hpp"
void modify_reference(int& i, int val, mce::chan<bool> done_ch)
i = val;
int main()
int i=0;
auto done_ch = mce::chan<bool>::make();
mce::parallel(modify_reference, std::ref(i), 2, done_ch);
// ensure modify_reference is complete before reading i
bool r;
std::cout << "i: " << i << std::endl;
return 0;

Terminal output:

$ ./ex/example_003
i: 2

An easier solution is to use lambda reference captures:

example_004 source

// example_004
#include <iostream>
#include "mce.hpp"
int main()
int i=0;
auto done_ch = mce::chan<bool>::make();
auto modify_reference = [=,&i](int val){ i = val; done_ch.send(true); };
mce::parallel(modify_reference, 2);
bool r;
std::cout << "i: " << i << std::endl;
return 0;

Terminal output:

$ ./ex/example_004
i: 2

However, it should be noted that modifying by reference on different threads without synchronization is often an error and can cause the program to crash. This can be avoided by coroutines running on the same thread, but it is generally better to avoid the situation entirely and communicate instead through channels.


This project makes extensive use of thunks, also known as nullary lambdas. Lambdas are anonymous functions, which is a complicated way of saying they are functions we can define and manage inside other functions. A thunk is a function which takes no arguments and returns no value. While this sounds useless, lambdas can "capture context", allowing them to take references or make copies of data available in the current scope while they are being constructed:

example_013 source

// example_013
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char** arv)
int c=0;
std::function<void()> my_thunk = [&]{ ++c; };
std::cout << "c: " << c << std::endl; // prints 0
std::cout << "c: " << c << std::endl; // prints 1
return 0;

Terminal output:

$ ./ex/example_013
c: 0
c: 1

Using the ability to capture context we can do some incredible things. As a usability improvement mce provides some helper types and functions in "thunk.hpp" should the user desire to implement features similar to this library.

#include <mce/thunk.hpp>
#include <iostream>
void some_func()
mce::thunk my_thunk = [&]{ ... };
// bind an arbitrary function to some arguments
mce::thunk my_thunk2 = mce::make_thunk(some_function, arg0, arg1, ..., argn);

Segmented Coroutine Stacks

At the moment, coroutines are created with whatever default stack allocator the boost coroutine2 library provides (which itself is determined by what is available from boost context). A more optimal solution would probably be using "segmented_stack" allocators. However, segmented_stack objects require that boost context be compiled with specific flags, which are not guaranteed to be set.

A potential enhancement might be the ability to initialize threadpools to a specific allocator type, allowing the default_threadpool to be enhanced as available. Of note, I believe the default allocator is a segmented stack allocator when it is available, so the current implementation would use that by default when compiled with the boost context library with segmented stacks enabled.

As it stands, the default behavior for coroutines launched via concurrent() potentially take more memory than necessary.