
class embdgen.plugins.label.MBR.MBRHeader[source]

Bases: BaseRegion

diskid: int | None = None
write(out_file: BufferedIOBase)[source]

Writes this region to the current position in out_file

class embdgen.plugins.label.MBR.EBRHeader[source]

Bases: BaseRegion

start: SizeType

Start of the region

This can either be specified or should be calculated automatically by the label implementation.

write(out_file: BufferedIOBase)[source]

Writes this region to the current position in out_file

class embdgen.plugins.label.MBR.MBR[source]

Bases: BaseLabel

Master Boot Record (DOS) partition type

If more than 4 partitions are configured, all partitions starting at the third will be created as extended partitions automatically.

LABEL_TYPE = 'mbr'
mbr_header: MBRHeader
property diskid: int | None

Diskid value (part of the partition table metadata)

create_partition_table(filename: Path)[source]