
A content object is a description of some kind of content, that is written into the image.

class embdgen.core.content.Factory.Factory[source]

Bases: FactoryBase[BaseContent]

Factory class for content

classmethod load() Dict[str, Type[BaseContent]][source]
class embdgen.core.content.BaseContent.BaseContent[source]

Bases: ABC

Base class for content (i.e. region content)

size: SizeType
prepare() None[source]

Prepare content

This should calculate the size of the content and generate any files / information required by the owning class.

class embdgen.core.content.BinaryContent.BinaryContent[source]

Bases: BaseContent

Base class for content, that support writing directly to an image file

property result_file: Path
write(file: BufferedIOBase) None[source]
abstract do_write(file: BufferedIOBase) None[source]
class embdgen.core.content.FilesContentProvider.FilesContentProvider[source]

Bases: BaseContent, ABC

Base class for all content providers, that provide a list of files

property fakeroot: FakeRoot
abstract property files: List[Path]