Elos Configuration ================== Configuring elos can be done in several ways thanks to the samconf-project. Currently elos supports : * Files (JSON) * Environment variables * Commandline arguments The default config file is expected in `/etc/elos/elosd.json` and can be overwritten by setting the environment variable `ELOS_CONFIG_PATH`. Environment variables can only be used to overwrite option from configuration files if `UseEnv` is set to true in the elos main configuration file `/etc/elos/elosd.json`. If `UseEnv` is enabled the following configurations are equivalent. :: { "root": { "elos" { "LogLevel": "Warning" } } } :: ELOS_LOGLEVEL="Warning" Elos use internally a config tree and do lookups for options using a path. For example, to determine the configured log level it will use `/root/elos/LogLevel`. For the Json file the path is quite obvious. For environment variables the name has to include the full path and `_` is used as path separator. The `/root` can be omitted on environment variables. It is a samconf internal thing and will probably removed. The configuration contains some elos global settings and then splits up in different section. Global Elos Options ------------------- - **UseEnv**: Define if elosd will allow overwrite configuration values by environment variables - **LogFilter**: Only log messages from these C-Files are shown, don’t touch it except you know what you’re doing (``ELOS_LOG_FILTER`` default value: ``""``); files are separated by ``;`` i.e. ``"first.c;second.c"`` - **LogLevel**: Severity levels deciding how much information will be printed from no messages to extremely detailed the levels are: Off, Fatal, Error, Warn, Info, Debug and Verbose (``ELOS_LOG_LEVEL`` default value: ``"Debug"``) - **ClientInputs**: This section defines plugins wich provides interface to allow other applications to communicate with elos. See :ref:`src/elosd/clientmanager/index:Client Manager` for more details on how to configure client plugins. - **EventLogging**: This section defines plugins wich are used by elos to store events. They are often also referred to as storage backend plugins. See :ref:`src/elosd/eventlogging/index:Event Logging` for more details on how to configure storage plugins. - **Scanner**: This section defines plugins wich are used by elos to observe and poll system sources to produce events. See :ref:`src/elosd/scannermanager/index:Scanner Manager` for more details on how to configure Scanner plugins. Default Config -------------- The default config is a good starting point to configure elos to your needs. .. literalinclude:: /src/elosd/config/elosd.json :language: json :caption: elos default config shipped with elos :linenos: