logger ====== The component contains code for the internal logger. The internal logger converts a log message along with its properties like message code, severity, classification into log event. This log event is then stored in the elos back-end. Internal events when logged in such a way help in analysing and debugging the state of elosd. The logger needs to be first initialized, then registered to an event dispatcher and then at the end be deleted. The logger stores the log events in a event buffer which is essentially a ring buffer which is initialized with an event count of `128` i.e the logger can store up to 128 events before the oldest ones are removed. Writing and reading of the loggers EventBuffer via `elosEventBufferWrite` and `elosEventBufferRead` shall be thread safe. Default Logger -------------- This module manages a process wide re-useable singleton instance of a logger called Default Logger. The DefaultLogger will be initialized lazy loading like on the first call to `elosLoggerGetDefaultLogger`. This function initializes the DefaultLogger. It checks if the flags member of the logger is set, when not set the flags member is set. Once the flags member is set the elosLoggerInitialze function is called to initialize the event buffer of the internal logger. elosLog ------- The elos log function retrieves the internal logger of elos and the creates a log event from the given parameters. It checks if the internal logger is initialized, when initialized it tries to publish the created event using the elos logger. If publishing of the log event fails then, it calls the fallback function to log the log event. The fallback function is currently the `elosLogSafuFallback` function which passes to event to be logged vis `safu log` component. The log event is created from the arguments passed to the `elosLog` function by calling the `elosLoggCreateElosEventFromLog`. Information about log event and corresponding event members are available here: