Source code for elos/rpnfilter/rpnfilter.h
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include "elos/rpnfilter/rpnfilter_types.h"
* Function: elosRpnFilterInit
* Description:
* Initializes an existing elosRpnFilter
* Input:
* Pointer to the memory area that will be
* initialized with default values after compiling
* Info:
* Needs to be freed with elosRpnFilterDeleteMembers()
* Return:
* - FILTER_RESULT_OK on success,
* - FILTER_RESULT_ERROR on failure.
elosRpnFilterResultE_t elosRpnFilterInit(elosRpnFilter_t *filter);
* Function: elosRpnFilterNew
* Description:
* Allocates an elosRpnFilter
* Input:
* Pointer to a pointer that will contain the newly
* allocated elosRpnFilter after calling the function.
* Info:
* The resulting elosRpnFilter is uninitialized
* Needs to be freed with elosRpnFilterDelete()
* Return:
* - FILTER_RESULT_OK on success,
* - FILTER_RESULT_ERROR on failure.
elosRpnFilterResultE_t elosRpnFilterNew(elosRpnFilter_t **filter);
* Function: elosRpnFilterDeepCopy
* Description:
* Makes a deep copy of elosRpnFilter. The copy is
* completely independent of the original
* and needs to be freed separately.
* Input:
* Two elosRpnFilter pointers (from and to)
* Info:
* 'to' needs to be freed with elosRpnFilterDeleteMembers()
* Return:
* - FILTER_RESULT_OK on success,
* - FILTER_RESULT_ERROR on failure.
elosRpnFilterResultE_t elosRpnFilterDeepCopy(elosRpnFilter_t *to, const elosRpnFilter_t *from);
* Function: elosRpnFilterClone
* Description:
* Duplicates elosRpnFilter into a newly allocated
* memory region. The copy is completely independent
* of the original and needs to be freed separately.
* Input:
* Two elosRpnFilter pointers (from and to)
* Info:
* 'to' needs to be freed with elosRpnFilterDelete()
* Return:
* - FILTER_RESULT_OK on success,
* - FILTER_RESULT_ERROR on failure.
elosRpnFilterResultE_t elosRpnFilterClone(elosRpnFilter_t **filter, const elosRpnFilter_t *from);
* Function: elosRpnFilterDeleteMembers
* Description:
* Frees memory used by elosRpnFilter members
* Input:
* Pointer to the elosRpnFilter to free
* Return:
* - FILTER_RESULT_OK on success,
* - FILTER_RESULT_ERROR on failure.
elosRpnFilterResultE_t elosRpnFilterDeleteMembers(elosRpnFilter_t *filter);
* Function: elosRpnFilterDelete
* Description:
* Frees memory used by elosRpnFilter members
* Input:
* Pointer to the memory area that will be
* initialized with default values after compiling
* Info:
* Needs to be freed with elosRpnFilterDeleteMembers()
* Return:
* - FILTER_RESULT_OK on success,
* - FILTER_RESULT_ERROR on failure.
elosRpnFilterResultE_t elosRpnFilterDelete(elosRpnFilter_t *filter);
* Function: elosRpnFilterCreate
* Description:
* Create new filter to be used with elosRpnFilterExecute
* Info:
* Combines elosRpnFilterBuilderNew
* elosRpnFilterBuilderTokenize, elosRpnFilterBuilderCompile
* and elosRpnFilterBuilderFinalize into an easy to use function.
* Input:
* Initialized elosRpnFilter and parameters
* Return:
* - FILTER_RESULT_OK on success,
* - FILTER_RESULT_ERROR on failure.
elosRpnFilterResultE_t elosRpnFilterCreate(elosRpnFilter_t *filter, const elosRpnFilterParam_t *param);
* Function: elosRpnFilterExecute
* Description:
* Runs an elosRpnFilter on the given data
* Input:
* elosRpnFilter and parameters
* Return:
* - FILTER_RESULT_MATCH on success with a match,
* - FILTER_RESULT_NO_MATCH on success with no match,
* - FILTER_RESULT_ERROR on failure.
elosRpnFilterResultE_t elosRpnFilterExecute(const elosRpnFilter_t *filter, const elosRpnFilterStack_t *input);
* Function: elosRpnFilterExecuteResult
* Description:
* Runs an elosRpnFilter on the given data and
* returns the remaining values on the filter stack.
* Useful for more complex operations.
* Input:
* Initialized elosRpnFilter and parameters
* Return:
* - FILTER_RESULT_MATCH on success with a match,
* - FILTER_RESULT_NO_MATCH on success with no match,
* - FILTER_RESULT_ERROR on failure.
elosRpnFilterResultE_t elosRpnFilterExecuteResult(const elosRpnFilter_t *filter, const elosRpnFilterStack_t *input,
elosRpnFilterStack_t *output);