// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <safu/vector.h>
#include "elos/libelosplugin/types.h"
safuResultE_t elosPluginReportAsStarted(elosPlugin_t *plugin);
safuResultE_t elosPluginStopTriggerWait(elosPlugin_t *plugin);
safuResultE_t elosPluginStopTriggerWrite(elosPlugin_t *plugin);
const char *elosPluginTypeToStr(elosPluginTypeE_t type);
* A new publisher will be allocated and stored in the provided pointer. On any
* failure the publisher pointer remains unchanged.
* Parameters:
* plugin : Pointer of a plugin data structure
* publisher : Pointer to a pointer where to store the pointer of the new
* publisher in case of success, otherwise it remains unchanged
* Returns:
* - `SAFU_RESULT_OK` on success
* - `SAFU_RESULT_FAILED` on failure
inline safuResultE_t elosPluginCreatePublisher(elosPlugin_t *const plugin, struct elosPublisher **publisher) {
return plugin->createPublisher(plugin->instanceRef, publisher);
* Deletes a publisher and frees all related resources. On error it is unsafe
* to retry or use the publisher.
* Parameters:
* plugin : Pointer of a plugin data structure
* publisher : Pointer to a publisher to be deleted.
* Returns:
* - `SAFU_RESULT_OK` on success
* - `SAFU_RESULT_FAILED` on failure
inline safuResultE_t elosPluginDeletePublisher(elosPlugin_t *const plugin, struct elosPublisher *publisher) {
return plugin->deletePublisher(plugin->instanceRef, publisher);
* A new subscriber will be allocated and stored in the provided pointer. On any
* failure the subscriber pointer remains unchanged.
* Parameters:
* plugin : Pointer of a plugin data structure
* subscriber : Pointer to a pointer where to store the pointer of the new
* subscriber in case of success, otherwise it remains
* unchanged
* Returns:
* - `SAFU_RESULT_OK` on success
* - `SAFU_RESULT_FAILED` on failure
inline safuResultE_t elosPluginCreateSubscriber(elosPlugin_t *const plugin, struct elosSubscriber **subscriber) {
return plugin->createSubscriber(plugin->instanceRef, subscriber);
* Deletes a publisher and frees all related resources. On error it is unsafe
* to retry or use the publisher.
* Parameters:
* plugin : Pointer of a plugin data structure
* subscriber : Pointer to a subscriber to be deleted.
* Returns:
* - `SAFU_RESULT_OK` on success
* - `SAFU_RESULT_FAILED` on failure
inline safuResultE_t elosPluginDeleteSubscriber(elosPlugin_t *const plugin, struct elosSubscriber *subscriber) {
return plugin->deleteSubscriber(plugin->instanceRef, subscriber);
* Publish an event.
* Parameters:
* publisher : Pointer to elosPublisher data structure
* event : Pointer to the event to publish. The event is deep copied
* so it is save to call `elosEventDeleteMembers` on the event
* after publishing.
* Returns:
* - `SAFU_RESULT_OK` on success
* - `SAFU_RESULT_FAILED` on failure
inline safuResultE_t elosPluginPublish(elosPlugin_t *const plugin, struct elosPublisher *publisher,
const elosEvent_t *const event) {
return plugin->publish(publisher, event);
* Store a given event. The caller keeps ownership of the event.
* Parameters:
* control : Pointer of a PluginControl data structure
* event : Pointer to the event to store.
* Returns:
* - `SAFU_RESULT_OK` on success
* - `SAFU_RESULT_FAILED` on failure
inline safuResultE_t elosPluginStore(elosPlugin_t *const plugin, const elosEvent_t *const event) {
return plugin->store(plugin->instanceRef, event);
* Do a log storage lookup of events for a given filter.
* Parameters:
* plugin : Pointer of a plugin data structure
* rule : A string containing the event filter rule to be use to lookup
* historical events
* events : A pointer to an initialised event vector to store the
* resulting events. The events in the vector must be freed by
* the caller by `elosEventDeleteMembers`.
* Returns:
* - `SAFU_RESULT_OK` on success
* - `SAFU_RESULT_FAILED` on failure
static inline safuResultE_t elosPluginFindEvents(elosPlugin_t *const plugin, const char *const rule,
safuVec_t *events) {
struct timespec newest = {0, 0};
struct timespec oldest = {0, 0};
return plugin->findEvents(plugin->instanceRef, rule, &newest, &oldest, events);
* Do a log storage lookup of events for a given filter.
* Parameters:
* plugin : Pointer of a plugin data structure
* rule : A string containing the event filter rule to be use to lookup
* historical events
* newest : A timestamp, that all returned events are older or equal to
* oldest : A timestamp, that all returned events are newer than
* events : A pointer to an initialised event vector to store the
* resulting events. The events in the vector must be freed by
* the caller by `elosEventDeleteMembers`.
* Returns:
* - `SAFU_RESULT_OK` on success
* - `SAFU_RESULT_FAILED` on failure
inline safuResultE_t elosPluginFindEventsInRange(elosPlugin_t *const plugin, const char *const rule,
struct timespec *newest, struct timespec *oldest, safuVec_t *events) {
return plugin->findEvents(plugin->instanceRef, rule, newest, oldest, events);
* Subscribe for a given list of filters.
* Parameters:
* subscriber : Pointer of a Subscriber data structure
* filterStrings : A list of event filter string a subscription and event
* queue shall be created for.
* filterCount : Number of event filter strings provided.
* subscription : A pointer to subscription pointer to store the new
* created subscription. The pointer keeps unchanged on
* failure. The ownership of the subscription remains by
* the `PluginControl` instance.
* Returns:
* - `SAFU_RESULT_OK` on success
* - `SAFU_RESULT_FAILED` on failure
inline safuResultE_t elosPluginSubscribe(elosPlugin_t *const plugin, struct elosSubscriber *subscriber,
char const *const *const filterStrings, const size_t filterCount,
const elosSubscription_t **const subscription) {
return plugin->subscribe(subscriber, filterStrings, filterCount, subscription);
* Fetch all events from an event queue, identified by given `subscription`.
* The caller takes ownership of the returned event objects and is responsible
* for correct disposal by calling `elosEventDeleteMembers` on them and for the
* `eventVector`.
* Parameters:
* subscriber : Pointer of a subscriber data structure
* subscription : The subscription for the event queue to be read.
* eventVector : A pointer to to `safuVec_t` pointer to store the created
* result vector in. The caller takes ownership of the
* result vector and its elements.
* Returns:
* - `SAFU_RESULT_OK` on success
* - `SAFU_RESULT_FAILED` on failure
inline safuResultE_t elosPluginReadQueue(elosPlugin_t *const plugin, struct elosSubscriber *subscriber,
const elosSubscription_t *const subscription, safuVec_t **const events) {
return plugin->readQueue(subscriber, subscription, events);
* Cancel and cleanup a subscription create by the subscriber.
* Parameters:
* plugin: reference to the plugin
* subscriber: reference to the subcriber
* Returns:
* - SAFU_RESULT_OK: Subscriptions are canceled succesfully
* - SAFU_RESULT_FAIL: Subscriptions couldn't be canceled or plugin is NULL.
inline safuResultE_t elosPluginUnsubscribe(elosPlugin_t *const plugin, struct elosSubscriber *subscriber,
elosSubscription_t *const subscription) {
return plugin->unsubscribe(subscriber, subscription);
* Cancel and cleanup all subscriptions of the given subscriber instance.
* Note:
* Tries to unsubscribe each subscription. It continues to unsubscribe if
* one subscription fails.
* Parameters:
* plugin: reference to the plugin
* subscriber: reference to the subcriber to clear all subscriptions for
* Returns:
* - SAFU_RESULT_OK: All subscriptions are canceled succesfully
* - SAFU_RESULT_FAIL: One or more subscriptions couldn't be canceled or plugin is NULL.
inline safuResultE_t elosPluginUnsubscribeAll(elosPlugin_t *const plugin, struct elosSubscriber *subscriber) {
return plugin->unsubscribeAll(subscriber);